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UM40 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 40-100

string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 40-100


UM45 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 45-105

string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 45-105


UM455 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 45-130

string set electric bass type 52 allow wound 45-130


UM9 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric type 52 alloy wound 9-42

string set electric type 52 alloy wound 9-42, super light


UM10 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric type 52 alloy wound 10-46

string set electric type 52 alloy wound 10-46, regular


UM11 | Rotosound Ultramag string set electric type 52 alloy wound 11-48

string set electric type 52 alloy wound 11-48, medium

found 6 products, displaying 1 to 6